Laura Segura

Senior Creative Producer
Art Department
Graphic Designer

Working across a variety of media,  depending on the specific requirements of each venture.
Audiovisual production + Art Direction  + Graphics since 2014

Phygital as an interesting word in terms of their potential for mutability and cognizance.

0034 680 234 698


souvenir de los barrios de madrid pertenecientes al distrito de carabanchel (comilla - opañel - san isidro - vista alegre - puerta bonita - buenavista - abrantes)

mp_root - 60xclear image zoom - handycam - 9.2 megapixels - hdr-cx405

Carabanchel, Madrid - 2024

“nom_ del francés souvenir y este del latín sub- (bajo, como en subasta, sublime, suburbio) y venire (venir), venir abajo, con la idea de venir en ayuda de la memoria. Se refiere a esos pequeños objetos que uno trae para recordar su viaje.”

May,  2024


Penance! Penance! Penance! Pray to God for sinners!

Num. 02 - Fanzine Collection 
Theme: God's Theme Park

Lourdes, France - 2022

“A world bastion of spirituality, welcomes over 5 million visitors from over 140 countries every year. With 189 hotels, Lourdes is the second biggest hotel town in France - Since 1858, there have been 69 verified miracles or cures in Lourdes.”

February,  2022

SAINt JHN ‘Circles’
Directed by Alex Gargot

Art Direction by Alexandra Jordana

Art Assistant  Anna Romero
Set Decorator Carla Bru
Props On set Deru + Laura Segura
Props Buyer Júlia Pérez
Set Dressers  Jaume Archs, Zoé Almellones Pilar Lita & Ramón
Props construction prep Pilar Lita & Ramón
October 24’

SAINt JHN ‘Body on me’
Directed by Alex Gargot

Art Direction by Alexandra Jordana

Art Assistant  Anna Romero
Set Decorator Carla Bru
Props On set Deru + Laura Segura
Props Buyer Júlia Pérez
Set Dressers  Jaume Archs, Zoé Almellones Pilar Lita & Ramón
November 24’